What is Reiki...
Developed in Japan, Reiki (pronounced RAY-key) is a gentle form of complementary therapy by which the practitioner uses light touch (or no touch) to engage the parasympathetic nervous system. Studies support the ability of Reiki to reduce anxiety and pain, and suggest this natural and non-invasive method to induce relaxation, improve fatigue, and strengthen overall well-being.
Benefits of Reiki...
Induces deep relaxation by activating the parasympathetic nervous system
Reduces pain
Temporarily decreases blood pressure & heart rate
Increases energy level
Helps with insomnia
Assists in managing anxiety, depression, & grief
Complements existing medical treatments and other therapeutic methods
Reiki is Not...
Affiliated with any religious beliefs or practices
A substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy
Manipulative or invasive
A form of massage
Faith healing
Reiki practitioners DO NOT diagnose conditions, prescribe substances, or interfere with treatment from a licensed medical professional
Reiki practitioners should never claim to heal any aliment or condition
Reiki Sessions...
We provide a variety of Reiki sessions, including in-person, distance, athlete-focused, and animal Reiki. Select the option that best suits your needs.
A Reiki session typically consists of the client lying down fully clothed, with the practitioner using a gentle touch. If preferred, Reiki can also be administered without touch or while the client is seated.
Let's talk...
(919) 525-1660
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